Be your own Web Master Page

Web Master

We can set you up to be your own WebMaster

There are two options

  • Html coded site - you control everthing (structure and content - simple programming required)
  • PHP coded site - you control all site content through an interface (for the non-programmer)

The PHP system is recommended as most business people are not into programming
and just want to be able to alter content when it suits (at no cost).

Html coded site

We will show you how to work with simple HTML coded pages set up by us
All you need is "NotePad" to do your maintenance and some free File Transfer software.

Once your site is built it is all yours!
We are available to help you out (when needed) as you become the master of your own Site!

PHP coded site

We will build your site to your specifications
and provide you with a friendly interface to control all your content.
The system uses an on-line database to store that content.

You will need to use us to make structural changes to your site/set up new pages etc.

Online Tutorials, advice, and a FAQs section
available to our customers.

Available Schemes and Costs

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