
Uploading Files

Well, you have made some changes and want to update your site on the Net

Use these Jump Links to move about in the document

General Uploading

  • Connect to the Internet
  • Activate your FTP program
  • Are the settings correct?
  • Enter password and connect up
  • Open the documents folder on your host's computer
  • Browse to find your files on your computer
  • Click the date header to sort by date - the latest modified files will appear at the top
  • Transfer the modified and new files into the correct folder on the host's computer
  • Repeat for images and styles - taking care to put them in the correct folders

Sub Hosting Clients

  • Do you have any free uploads left?
  • Should you wait until Friday? - it is cheaper on the weekend
  • Attach all modified files to an email to upload@rosealma.co.nz - this includes your mainstyle.css file if modified
  • Attach any new images or modified images
We will do our best to upload as soon as manageable

File Transfer Protocol Software

Here is some free software called 'WSFTP LE'.

Download FTP software

WSFTP Instructions

Instructions not yet available

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